Beate Hennessy
Sustainability Leadership and Management, Sustainability Strategy, Business Development, Digital Business Development, Investor Relationship, listed companies.
I have great interest in the business with experience of sustainability work including CSRD/ESRS reporting, EPDs, risk assessments etc and all that this means for the companies. I have experience working in global, producing and trading companies in business development, sustainability and digitisation. I find it easy to build relationships and trust to create commitment and sustainable results. I have a certification in Sustainability leadership and I am a certified board member from Västsvenska Handelskammaren. Today I work as Director of Business Development and Sustainability. I'm a member of the Group Management team and work closely to the Board.
Endast 19 procent av ledamöterna i västsvenska styrelser är kvinnor. Med Styrelselistan arbetar vi aktivt för att främja innovation och lönsamhet i företagen genom mer jämställda styrelser.