Sherry Khanzadeh

I am a hands-on professional, with 24 years of experience in multiple financial roles, ranging from accounting to Financial Analysis and Business Control, mainly in the energy and food industries, industrial maintenance and projects, Media and construction.

I am an excellent communicator with strong interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, developed by my background and exposure to different cultures in an international environment.

My key strengths are that I take strong ownership. I am proactive, enthusiastic and resourceful. I am also widely recognized for being an excellent and appreciated team member as well as an individual contributor. I have 19 years of leadership experience.


Endast 19 procent av ledamöterna i västsvenska styrelser är kvinnor. Med Styrelselistan arbetar vi aktivt för att främja innovation och lönsamhet i företagen genom mer jämställda styrelser.

Vi är med och stödjer Styrelselistan.